If I went around my house and checked where everything was made, I reckon it would be close to 50% made overseas. I'm not proud of that fact but also it's not entirely my fault. It is soooo hard to find things that aren't made overseas (particularly China) and even harder to find Made in NZ products.
I had one of those 'aha' moments a few months back after buying a pack of biscuits from the supermarket. I ate one and thought 'yuck, that must have been a bad batch'. To my dismay, when I read the label, I found they were made in China. Really!!!!! We have food from China. I threw those biscuits out. I can't always control where everything in my house comes from but I refuse to eat food that is 'made in china'.
[Paua Pukeko made by
Paua Art in NZ - be in to win this wall art
I feel so sad that we are losing so much of the control of products in this country because it's 'cheaper' to send it overseas (well I'm assuming that is the reason). Every week I hear of a new business moving to China/Indonesia. More Kiwis losing their jobs. More products being made with less love, care and integrity. Are some of us so intent on making our million that we put our integrity aside?
[Ruby Sue dress, Made in NZ, for sale
Because my 'thing' is sewing. I sew as much of my children's clothes as possible. It's not always cheaper (not often) but they wear unique designs and concoctions that their crazy mum puts together, and they even get input into what I make.
I sell my NZ made clothing at markets and sometimes I overhear people saying how expensive my things are. That makes me really sad as I don't even get close to minimum wage for the time my clothes take to make. But I'm proud to make NZ made products. I'm proud to offer something that you can't find elsewhere and when you buy a Zealous Design you know it's not off a production line, and it has been handcrafted with time and love by me.
Since my biscuit experience, I'm a big label checker. But the best thing that has come out of that experience is my love of New Zealand made. So I go out of my way to buy from small businesses that craft their goods here in our lovely green country. Sure most things are more expensive than the warehouse but when you buy NZ made, you are often buying off a stay at home mum or someone who has put their heart into a product or service. I try to profile small Kiwi business on my FB page from time to time as well to help out other at home mum's trying to keep their family afloat.
If you work from home, handcraft a product or service, let me know!
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Enter my giveaway
here (finishes 18 August 2013)