Friday, 20 September 2013

Playhouse Renovation - fun water blasting

I'm going to try block the last few weeks from my memory. I was as sick as a dog (where does that saying come from?) and flat my my back. I got the actual flu and it was nasty. I'm still in recovery but feeling so so much better.

Here is one of the dinners we were delivered by a member of our church family (actually the pastors wife who was also nursing her own family back to health). YUM.

Hubby and Mister E donned their raincoats one afternoon and water blasted our playhouse. The amount of dirt that flowed out between the boards was pretty impressive. As is the sloshy moat of mud left around the foundations.

Now that the house is clean I can push my planning into buying. Fabric is on it's way for curtains and other furnishings and once the house is bone dry I'll be off to the paint store ! 

It feels like Spring has arrived in New Zealand, which makes everyone feel happier and excited.... now if only we could all shake our illnesses (and by all, I mean our community at large, as we all seem to be sick with something).

Brenda xx